3 Reasons To Use Facebook Ads to Increase Leads and Sales on Autopilot

Do you have a system that runs on autopilot, finding and nurturing prospective clients until they are ready to click 'buy' … and then it leads them through the purchase process? What about afterward? Discover how using Facebook™ ads can effectively scale your business.

3 Mind-Blowing Reasons to use Facebook Ads to Increase Leads and Sales ... on Autopilot

Even though we’re used to the idea now, running Facebook ads can still feel a little like the Wild West. Not only are the algorithm changes we hear about every day, but there are glitches in the functioning of the platform itself more often than people want to know about, and then there’s steadily increasing competition from big brands. That space in the news feed does run on an auction, after all.

But look at the state of the game ...

There are 1.73 billion daily active Facebook users worldwide (as at Q1 2020).

253 million people in the US and Canada use Facebook each month (as at Q1 2020).

And the age brackets? Take a look at the USA alone! 

  • 68.8 million Facebook users are between the ages of 25-34.
  • 47.8 million Facebook users are between the ages of 35-44.
  • 36.7 million Facebook users are between the ages of 45-54.
  • And 29.8 million Facebook users are between the ages of 55-64.

And now compare those users—whose activity you can measure in your Facebook campaigns—to what it costs to reach people in those numbers with traditional advertising …

Consider the 2020 Super Bowl where the Kansas City Chiefs went head to head against the San Francisco 49ers.

  • A 30-second TV ad during the Superbowl cost $5.6 million dollars
  • Audience views? 99.9 million
  • The CPM (cost per thousand impressions) for that Superbowl ad? = $56.06

And the mechanics?

  • No audience targeting, zero, zilch, nada—the ad was shown to anybody who happened to be watching the game, regardless of whether they’d actually be interested in the product.
  • There is no clear data from this form of advertising, ie. the brands cannot tell who watched, who just had it playing in the background, what the audience interests were …

And on top of that—there’s no follow-up ... yikes!

The brands advertising during the Superbowl had no way to continue to market to the exact people who might have seen the brands’ ads, let alone knowing who was interested in becoming a customer

What about the cost of Facebook ads?

Using our previous example; showing 1,000 people an ad at the Superbowl costs around $56.06.

To show 1,000 people an ad in their Facebook newsfeed? Well that can be achieved for a modest $1.16!

Combine that incredibly low price with the power of what you can do with Facebook ads for your coaching business …

When you place an ad into a Facebook users’ news feed, you can choose who you’d like to see the ad based on their interests, demographics, and lifestyle ... as well as if they've interacted with your brand/content before. More on that in a minute.

Want to target pastors who live in Seattle, Washington, who have children between the ages of 13-17, who are married and are frequent international travelers? 

You can.

You can also re-engage with people who show interest. You can track whether they watched your video (as well as how long they watched it for & can build audience segments from that data). You can see the kinds of audiences who clicked on your ad, who stayed long enough on your landing page to indicate they’re interested in your offer, and who clicked through to initiate the purchase or register for your webinar.

That real-time data can be followed right through the funnel steps, allowing you to create a call to action for each type of prospect according to where they are in the client journey. Resulting in your ability to build a sequence of touch points tailored to who is viewing the ad, when you want them to see it, and what actions they take with the information presented to them.

It's truly a powerful tool that every coach should maximize after they've had a history of sales and a proven process to serve and deliver transformation for their clients.

Here’s how to use Facebook ads to increase leads and sales … on autopilot

We’re going to cover three foundational aspects: audiences, targeting, and magnetic messaging.

Step 1: Audiences

First, upload your current database of clients to your Facebook ad account. Why do we do this? Many people wanting to run Facebook ads to acquire new leads and clients, forget to start with the audience they already have. One example of this is targeting people who purchased from your 3 years ago, then showing them new ads for your updated service/offer. There's no better way to gauge the level of interest your ideal audience in your offer than testing it on the audience that has already purchased from you before.

In Facebook marketing you’ll hear us refer to “warm audiences”—people who know and trust your brand. Your customer list? That’s a “hot audience”! These people have already purchased from you so, assuming you gave them a great experience the first time, they’re highly likely to buy from you again.

Create your “Lookalike” audiences

Once you have uploaded your customer list to your Facebook custom audiences, you can create a “Lookalike Audience”. This allows Facebook to create an audience for you to target that is based on the same characteristics of your customer list and go find more people “like them”. This segment of people are considered "cold" because they do not know you or your brand yet, but they most closely resemble your past clients/customers according to Facebook's data.

10 of the best Facebook audiences to target for your advertising campaings
[FREE GUIDE] 10 Reliable Facebook Audiences For Quality Leads On Autopilot, plus 3 Strategies of how to maximize them.

Step 2: Set Up Your Targeting

The “Lookalike Audiences” that you created are a high-quality option for “cold” audiences, because your ads will be shown to people who are likely to resonate with your brand.

In addition to “Lookalike Audiences” there are hundreds of targeting options you can use to create “Interest based” audiences and get your ads in front of your ideal client.

In some cases, you might even be able to target the audiences of your competitors! Ie. Ninja level targeting!

Here are just a few examples of the targeting options available to you in your Facebook ad account:


  • Education
  • Financial brackets
  • Life events
  • Parents
  • Relationships
  • Work


  • Business & Industry
  • Family & Relationships
  • Hobbies & Activities
  • Shopping & Fashion


  • Anniversary
  • Travel
  • Engaged Shoppers
Adly diagram of developing copy and messaging from demographics, interests, and behaviors

Step 3: Build “Magnetic Messaging”

This is where you get into the creative side of your ad setup—the offer, the videos/images and the copy that you use.

Make sure you highlight the benefits of your product to your potential customers so that they are sold before you even get them on the phone.

Look at the way you speak to your potential clients in your ads—ensuring you have made it “all about them” and the transformation you will deliver, rather than “all about you”. It’s a simple yet very powerful angle that will increase the conversion rates on your ads.

Show your potential customers how their life will be different once they have your offer.

By focusing your messaging on the transformation your service delivers to your potential client, they are convinced you can help them before you ever try to "sell" them.

Include strong calls to action—once people have seen your initial ads, show them another ad that invites them to book a call. This is an important element of retargeting and reaching your audience right where they are at in their unique stage of "the customer journey."

As you begin retargeting, building more awareness and recapping on the benefits & transformation your offer delivers ... you can invite them again to book a call. Remember to include something that builds ethical urgency (not false scarcity). You could put your offer up for a short time only, or limit it to a certain number of people. Another option is, rather than introducing a discount—add a more exclusive layer of value—if the potential customer buys within a certain time frame, they get access to the extras. *Pro-tip: build in those extras as upsells offered to people who didn't purchase within the initial window.*

It's always better to add more value and increase prices than to offer a discount. Don't undercut your services or compete on price, we want to attract your best clients, not participate in a race for the low hanging fruit.

No other marketing method compares to the results and data that Facebook Ad Campaigns can bring …

Marketers of 2022 and beyond cannot afford to rely on organic tactics alone. According to a 2022 study by Socialinsider, the average reach rate of your organic posts on Instagram are whopping 13.51% which means for every 100 of your followers, only about 13 of them see your organic content. Even worse, Facebook's reach rate only reaches about 8.6%.

This is why using your Custom Audiences to retarget previous leads, creating Lookalike Audiences to build unique cold audiences, and implementing the retargeting strategies not available on any other medium means that Facebook Ads are the smart, strategic option. 

You have the power of this platform at your disposal, to take potential leads through a journey of awareness, consideration and conversion.

What difference would it make to your business when you have people reaching out to you, who have been watching and engaging with your ads, and want to know more?

Facebook ads provide you with a marketing system that runs on autopilot. This leaves you free to work on your business, sleep—and actually take a vacation once in a while—as your campaigns continue to target and nurture your ideal customers, leading them to the sale.

What would implementing Facebook ads look like in your coaching or consulting business?

I’ve love to hear about how your current marketing systems are set up and what you’d like to improve.

Do you have a system that runs on autopilot, finding and nurturing prospective clients until they are ready to click 'buy' … and then it leads them through the purchase process? And afterwards?

Is your cost per new customer viable?

Do you have questions about how to implement the strategies above that we use every day?

Talk to us

You’re welcome to contact us here and share your goals with us!

My mission is to help coaches bypass surface level, out-of-date Facebook Marketing strategies or to rely on someone else’s business to build their own business. To help them make a global impact with their life transforming expertise so that they can leave a legacy while creating a lifestyle of choice.

Facebook has presented us with opportunities like never before to establish yourself as the authority in your niche.

Find out more about how to scale your business with Facebook ads here.


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